Thursday, August 1, 2013

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

Annnnnnnnd today I made the first step. I recieved all the info about my host family and my high school and everything, so after 3 hours of excitement, I wrote an e-mail to my host family. I wrote about myself and this whole experience and I said to them how excited I was and how I couldn't wait to start my journey. I'm so freaking happy! Now the only thing left is the date of departure. I hope it will be like in mid-August, because school starts the 4th of September and I still have some things to do here in Italy before leaving. But what I feel is bittersweet, because yesterday I had to say goodbye to my best friends 'cause they're going to the seaside and I'll probably won't see them again before my departure, and they made me a video where they told me like how much I mean to them and how much they're gonna miss me and they cried and I cried and everyone started crying and it was a mess because it ended up in hugs and tears and I know I'm really gonna miss them. They're also my I'm really gonna feel the difference without my girlss. :'(
But the good thing is that some of my friends, the ones from my group outside the school, are going to come back to Italy in two days; they went to Spain on a group holiday. They invited me too, but I didn't know when I was going to leave for the U.S. so I said no, and I wasn't even sure if I could have the possibilty to see them again but now I have the chance to meet them one last time and say goodbye. I'm gonna cry again, I know it for sure.
I heard someone once saying that the melancholy is the knowledge of the traveller. And it's true. Sad and true.

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