Thursday, August 29, 2013

"One's destination is not a place, but a way of seeing things."

Sono arrivata ieri sera e stavo talmente a pezzi che non ho avuto la forza di fare quasi niente.
La famiglia è davvero il meglio, sono tutti così gentili e disponibili e mi fanno sentire a mio agio e sono anche molto divertenti. La casa è davvero pazzesca, è enorme e meravigliosa e la mia stanza è grande il doppio di quella che ho in italia. C'è anche un ragazzo tedesco, Jonas, che starà qui per un po' e mi sembra simpatico. Ci sono anche un cane e un gatto talmente grasso che mi chiedo come faccia a camminare.
Grazie a dio nessuna valigia è stata persa durante i voli e io non ho perso le coincidenze!!
Ieri avevo un po' paura all'idea di incontrare la famiglia, ma ora mi sento davvero bene. Mi sento elettrizzata, come sulle montagne russe un attimo prima della grande discesa. Sono le 8 del mattino e non riesco più a dormire, non che il letto non sia comodo...Non vedo l'ora di esplorare Idaho Falls e di conoscere le persone che ci vivono!
Adesso andrò a fare colazione e mi preparerò per le discese e le salite, le curve strette, i giri della morte e i stratti a 100 all'ora che mi aspettano in questa grande e nuova esperienza.

I arrived last night and I was so tired that I couldn't do anything.
The family is really the best part, they're all so nice and polite and they make me feel comfortable and they're also really funny. The house is insanely big nad it's beautiful and my room is twice the room I have in italy. There's also a German boy, Jonas, who will stay here for a bit and he seems ok. There are also a dog and a cat so fat
that I ask myself how can it walk around so easly.
Thanks god, no luggage was lost during the travel and I didn't miss the connecting flights!!
Yesterday I was a little scared about meeting the family, but now I feel really good. I feel thrilled and excited, like when you're on roallercoaster right before going down. It's 8 am and I can't sleep anymore, not because of the bed...I can't wait to explore Idaho Falls and meet the people who live here.
Now I'm gonna have breakfast and I will prepare myself for the falls, the rises, the sharps turns, the loops and the 100 km/h stretches that I will find in this big and new experience.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Idaho - Let it be forever

I found out that Idaho is really the perfect place for me. It has so much to offer, speaking of nature, landscapes, mountains, hiking tracks and more. There are so many outdoor activities you can do, and I'm very lucky because my host family loves most of them as much as I do. My host dad today told me that we can go hiking and climbing sometimes if I want and in the winter we can go skiing. I'm really excited, I hope this Arrival family will become my Permanent family, even though I haven't met them yet. My host mum told me that they will be away since August 22nd so I will probably come in the week after the 22nd. I'm happy 'cause this way I have the time to organize everything, say goodbye to my friends and family ecc. I also talked to Charlotte, she's the German girl that will stay with me in the Double Placement for a while, she's sweet and nice and she's 15. I thought she had the same age as me...but this doesn't matter, I was just surprised. Everything is going the right way, and I really can't wait for this dream, for this adventure to start. I'm a bit afraid and nervous but I guess it's it's all or nothing.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

Annnnnnnnd today I made the first step. I recieved all the info about my host family and my high school and everything, so after 3 hours of excitement, I wrote an e-mail to my host family. I wrote about myself and this whole experience and I said to them how excited I was and how I couldn't wait to start my journey. I'm so freaking happy! Now the only thing left is the date of departure. I hope it will be like in mid-August, because school starts the 4th of September and I still have some things to do here in Italy before leaving. But what I feel is bittersweet, because yesterday I had to say goodbye to my best friends 'cause they're going to the seaside and I'll probably won't see them again before my departure, and they made me a video where they told me like how much I mean to them and how much they're gonna miss me and they cried and I cried and everyone started crying and it was a mess because it ended up in hugs and tears and I know I'm really gonna miss them. They're also my I'm really gonna feel the difference without my girlss. :'(
But the good thing is that some of my friends, the ones from my group outside the school, are going to come back to Italy in two days; they went to Spain on a group holiday. They invited me too, but I didn't know when I was going to leave for the U.S. so I said no, and I wasn't even sure if I could have the possibilty to see them again but now I have the chance to meet them one last time and say goodbye. I'm gonna cry again, I know it for sure.
I heard someone once saying that the melancholy is the knowledge of the traveller. And it's true. Sad and true.